Surname List: Begins with L

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All surnames beginning with L, sorted alphabetically (total individuals):

1. LaBlanche (1)
2. Laboccetta (4)
3. Lack (7)
4. Lackey (3)
5. LaForge (1)
6. Lafrance (1)
7. Lagasse (1)
8. Laing (3)
9. Laird (1)
10. Laison (1)
11. Lalonde (10)
12. Lalum (1)
13. Lamarsh (4)
14. Lamb (2)
15. Lambert (15)
16. Lammy (1)
17. Lamont (9)
18. Lamontiane (3)
19. Lamoreaux (2)
20. Lancaster (4)
21. Landis (1)
22. Landry (1)
23. Lane (10)
24. Langen (1)
25. Langford (1)
26. Langley (3)
27. Langman (1)
28. Langowski (20)
29. Langridge (1)
30. Langstaff (1)
31. Langtry (1)
32. Langworthy (1)
33. Lanigan (1)
34. Lantaigne (1)
35. Lanz (5)
36. Lapell (1)
37. Laplante (1)
38. LaPrairie (1)
39. Lara (1)
40. Larder (1)
   41. Large (1)
42. Larkin (3)
43. Larlee (1)
44. Larocque (1)
45. Larsen (1)
46. Larson (2)
47. Larway (28)
48. Lasconia (3)
49. Lask (1)
50. Laskey (1)
51. Lassge (1)
52. Latham (9)
53. Lattimer (1)
54. Lauder (1)
55. Laughlin (1)
56. Laursen (4)
57. Lautenslag (1)
58. Lauterwasser (1)
59. Laver (1)
60. Lavis (1)
61. Law (11)
62. Lawinger (4)
63. Lawrence (11)
64. Lawrie (1)
65. Lawson (8)
66. LayBourne (4)
67. Laycock (1)
68. Laycraft (13)
69. Le Blanc (3)
70. Leach (3)
71. Leatherman (1)
72. Lebeda (3)
73. Leckie (7)
74. Lecuyer (1)
75. Ledbetter (5)
76. Ledger (8)
77. Lee (29)
78. Leeder (1)
79. Lees (3)
80. Leffew (1)
   81. Lefler (1)
82. Legace (1)
83. Legard (1)
84. Legate (1)
85. Leggott (1)
86. LeGros (1)
87. Lehew (1)
88. Lehman (5)
89. Leibold (5)
90. Leigh (1)
91. Leitch (10)
92. Leith (1)
93. Lemieux (4)
94. Lemmons (6)
95. Lenard (1)
96. Lennox (15)
97. Lenty (1)
98. Leonard (3)
99. Lepalm (1)
100. Lerner (1)
101. Lesfeque (1)
102. Leslie (17)
103. Lethbridge (2)
104. Letilley (1)
105. Letkeman (1)
106. Levesque (1)
107. Lewellen (1)
108. Lewis (10)
109. Leybourne (1)
110. Libby (3)
111. Liddell (1)
112. Lidington (1)
113. Lihou (3)
114. Lillie (2)
115. Lillington (1)
116. Linda (1)
117. Lindberg (1)
118. Lindfield (1)
119. Lindholm (1)
120. Lindner (3)
   121. Lindsay (4)
122. Lindsey (1)
123. Linseman (3)
124. Lipka (1)
125. Lipp (5)
126. Lipsett (3)
127. Lithgow (1)
128. Litster (4)
129. Little (76)
130. Littlewood (6)
131. Litzelman (1)
132. ll (1)
133. lll (1)
134. Lloyd (1)
135. Locke (1)
136. Lockhart (7)
137. Lockie (1)
138. Loendorf (1)
139. Loft (10)
140. Logan (3)
141. Lomax (3)
142. London (13)
143. Long (56)
144. Longland (1)
145. Longstaff (4)
146. Lopes (1)
147. Lord (2)
148. Lorge (1)
149. Lorimer (4)
150. Loring (1)
151. Lorusso (1)
152. Losa (1)
153. Lotton (1)
154. Loucks (11)
155. Lougheed (5)
156. Loukes (1)
157. Louks (1)
158. Louney (2)
159. Loup (3)
160. Loutitt (1)
   161. Lovatt (1)
162. Love (2)
163. Loveless (57)
164. Lovell (1)
165. Lovely (8)
166. Lowe (2)
167. Lowes (6)
168. Lowrie (1)
169. Lowry (1)
170. Lrelf (1)
171. Lubberts (1)
172. Lucas (12)
173. Luddington (1)
174. Ludford (5)
175. Ludwick (1)
176. Luibel (9)
177. Luikart (1)
178. Luing (1)
179. Luke (1)
180. Lukish (1)
181. Lulems (1)
182. Lulof (1)
183. Lum (1)
184. Lumley (6)
185. Lumm (1)
186. Lumsden (2)
187. Lunau (2)
188. Lund (1)
189. Lungren (1)
190. Lunn (3)
191. Luno (1)
192. Lunsford (1)
193. Lusk (1)
194. Lutes (5)
195. Luther (1)
196. Lymes (1)
197. Lynch (3)
198. Lynn (4)
199. Lyon (1)
200. Lysfjord (3)
