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 #   Notes   Linked to 
MARTEL) was born 1639 in Exeter, Devon, ENGLAND160, and died December
28, 1707161. He married ELIZABETH DANE 1652.

I have included some tree information for this Foster branch, as found
in Edward Jacob Forster's "Pedigree and Descendants Of Jacob Forster,
Sen., of Charlestown, Mass." Additional info on this branch can be found
in this publication.

One source listed Reginald's birth as 1639 in England. I have left it in
the database as such, but it conflicts with other info that states that
his father Reginald came to Ipswich around 1638 with 5 sons and 2
daughters. If this is accurate, this Reginald was born before 1639. 
Foster, Reginald (I427)
102 Source: James Otis Lyford's History of the Town of Canterbury, Vol 2,

- Although it is thought that Reginald settled in Ipswich around 1638,
his name doesn't appear in town records until 1652, when he and Thomas
Clark constructed a canal adjoining the Chebacco River.
- At his death, Reginald's estate was valued at 744 Pounds, 16 Shillings.
- Reginald owned Plum and Hog Islands, which remained in the family for several generations.


Source: Edward Jacob Forster's Pedigree and Descendants of Jacob
Forster, Sen. of Charlestown, Mass.

Probable birthplace of Reginald: Exeter, city and county borough, seat
of Devon (or Devonshire), SW England, on the Exe River 37 mi. (60 km.)
NE of Plymouth; pop. (1991p) 101,100; has cathedral housing the Exeter
Book, the largest collection of Old English poetry; railroad center;
agricultural center; shipping (city connected with tidal estuary of the
Exe by a ship canal); Univ. of Exeter (1955). Probably a trading center
and fort existed here even before Roman times; a center of resistance of
Britons to Anglo-Saxon invasion; withstood Danish attack 1001, but
captured by Danish King Sweyn I 1003; capitulated to William the
Conqueror, first Norman king of England, 1068; Royalist stronghold in
Civil War 1642-46; in WWII site of largest U.S. Navy supply depot in


Excerpted from The Complete Reference Collection
Copyright © 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 The Learning Company, Inc. All Rights

"Granted to Thomas Clark and Reginald Foster, that they shall have cut
through a passage from this river into Chebacco River of 10 ten wide and
soe deepe as a a lighter may pass through laden and to make a ford and
foote-bridge over, that the town have given them L10 (money) towards
said passage."

Ipswich became the birthplace of American Independence when in 1687
citizens protested a tax.

Reginald Foster came from England 1638, and lived to extreme old
age. He had 5 sons and 2 daughters, viz. Abraham, Reginald,
William, Isaac, Jacob, a dau. who m. Peabody, a dau. who
m. Story.
2 Abraham settled in Ipswich.
3 Abraham or Andrew of Andover.
4 Samuel of Reading m. Sarah Roberts.
5 Abraham b. 1702 in Reading, m. Susanna Hartshorne 1733.
He d. 1753 a. 48. Children :
Susanna b. 1734.
Abraham b. 1735.


Reginald owned land on Plum and Hog Islands per his will proved 09 June
1681, included in recitation of his estate inventory in "Foster
Genealogy" (1899), pp. 115-18. He came to America with his wife, Judith,
and seven children (p. 15). Philip Howard Gray, "Penobscot Pioneers"
(Camden: Penobscot Press, 1994), p. 37, discusses his identity and
states Reginald was probably born in Harlow, co. Essex, perhaps [!] son
of Reynold Foster and grandson of John Foster. Reginald was a husbandman
in Ipswich, MA from 1638.
"Magna Carta, Part VIII," John S. Wurts (Philadelphia, PA: Brookfield
Pub. Co.), p. 2628, states that Thomas Forster and Elizabeth Carr are
"assumed to be the parents of Reginald...."


**from information given by Craig and Debbie Huewe, "The Loyalists of
New Brunswick", p. 197
Among the early settlers of what is now New England were at least two
different families of Fosters; one came from Devonshire and the other
from Yorkshire.

A certain Reginald Foster, born in or near Exeter, Devonshire, about
1595, with his wife Judith, five sons, and two daughters embarked for
America "on account of the troubles in the reign of Charles I". A luck
would have it, the ship was embargoes by a proclamation of the King and
Council. What ever the trouble was it was soon cleared up, and on 6
April in 1638 "His Majesty was graciously pleased free [them] from
a late restraint, and to set [them] at liberty to proceed in their
intended voyage". Later that year, Reginald Foster and his family
settled at Ipswich, Massachusetts.


from New England Families Genealogy Third Volume

married twice, and by second wife, Elizabeth (Carr) Forster, had three
sons, the youngest of whom, Reginald Forster, married Judith (???), and
with her and their seven children came to America in 1638 and sat down
at Ipswich, in the colony of Massachusetts Bay.

The foregoing condensed line of English ancestry is taken from the
records of Joseph Foster, of London, England, nearly half a century ago.

(I) Reginald Forster, mentioned above, was the American immigrant. He
was born in Brunton, England, about 1595, and came with his wife Judith
and seven children to this country, settling in Ipswich in 1638. He had
a grant of land there in 1641, and seems to have been of much
consequence among the planters. He was well-to-do for the times. His
wife Judith died in October, 1664, and he married (second) Sarah White
Martin, widow of John Martin; after the death of her second husband she
married William White, of Haverhill, Massachusetts. Children, all by
first wife, born in England: Mary, born about 1618; Sarah, 1620;
Abraham, in Exeter, England, 1622; Isaac, 1630; William, 1633; Jacob,
mentioned below; Reginald, 1636.


From Genealogy and the book
New England Families Genealogical and Memorial: Volume IV
Author: William Richard Cutter

This is Volume IV of a four-volume set. It has records of achievements
of people from England, who have set up commonwealths in New England.
About 6000 names included in this record.

Bibliographic Information: Cutter, William Richard. New England Families
Genealogical and Memorial: Volume IV. 1913. Reprint, Baltimore:
Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1996.

FOSTER Reginald Foster, the immigrant ancestor, was born about 1595, in
Barmton, England. He came to America about 1638 with his wife Judith,
five sons and two daughters, and settled in Ipswich, Massachusetts,
about 1638, near the East Bridge. His name was often spelled Reynold. He
bought of John Tuttell, September 26, 1638, a house and lands in
Ipswich. He had charge of the town herd of cattle on the south side of
the river in 1643, the work to be done by permission of the authorities,
by his son Abraham. In 1661 he was highway surveyor. He owned shares in
both Plum and Hog Islands. He died in 1681. His will, dated April 30,
1680, proved June 9, 1681, bequeathed to his wife Sarah what she brought
at marriage, and other things; to sons Abraham, Renold, Isaac, William
and Jacob; to daughters Sarah, wife of William Story, and Mary, wife of
Francis Peabody; to grandchild Hannah Story, the balance of his estate.
He married (first) Judith (???), in England; she died October, 1664, at
Ipswich. He married (second) September 20, 1665, Sarah, widow of John
Martin, of Ipswich. She married (third) William White, of Haverhill,
September 21, 1682, and died February 22, 1683. Children, all by first
wife: Mary, born about 1618; Sarah, 1620; Abraham, mentioned below;
Isaac, 1630; William, 1633; Jacob, 1635; Reginald, 1636


(Essex Deeds, Vol. 4, p. 403.)
The last will and testament of Renold Foster of Ipswich in the county of
Essex in New England made the last day of April Anno Dom one thousand
six huneighty being this day by God good providence of perfect
understanding, though through infirmities of body dayly mind full of my

Therefore for the setting of my house in order y make and apoynt this my
last will & testament as followeth

Yn the Name of God Amen my soul y committ unto the hands of Jesus Christ
my blessed Redeemer yn hope of a Joyfull resurrection at the last day.
my body to a decent, comly buriall. And for my outward estate which the
Lord hath graciously given me y thus dispose of it in manner following:

Ymps, to my beloved wife Sarah I give the use of the house I now dwell
in and the orcyrd and gardens and five pounds yearly dureing her
naturall life, & 2 cows which she shall chuse out of my stock & the
keeping of them both summer and winter yearly. Also I give her the
bedstead with bedding in the parlor and the rest of the linen, and
woolen yarne that she hath made and provided unto the house. Also the
use of a brass pot and a cheesepress and kneading trough with the
utentils in the Lean Too, and the great kettle and two skillets during
her natural life. Also y give her three sheepe
to be kept winter and summer, also two piggs, and what provision shall
be in the house at my decease, also the table and form for her natural
life. ffurther my will is that the household stuff, and such things as
my wife brought into the house when y marryed her be at her dispose in
life and at death.

II Y give and bequeath unto my son Abraham ffoster my now dwelling house
and orchard and ground about it, three acres more or less & half the
barne, and half that land in the field lying between the land of John
Dennison and philip ffowlers, and ten acres on this side the river by
Major Denison and John Ed. wards Land and six acres of salt marsh All of
which I give him after my wives decease. I give him four acres of marsh
at Plumb Island & the six acres at Hogg Island.

III. Y give and bequeath unto my son Renold ffoster all the land which
he possessed at the falls, that he hath built a house upon both upland
and marsh, be it fifty acres more or less, only to pay out of it within
a yeare after my disease(???) my dau. Story that sum that I have given
her except wt ye sheets and pillow biers amount to.

I give and bequeathe unto my son Isaac ffcster my eight acres of fresh
meadow at the West meadow joineing to meadow of his & four acres of salt
marsh at Hog Island, Jacob to have the use of the salt till the decease
of my wife.

I give and bequeathe unto my son william ffoster my six acres of land y
had of Thomas Smith & six acres of marsh at Hg Ysland--the marsh to
Jacob till my wife's decease.

I give and bequeathe unto my son Jacob
ffoster the house he lives in and the ground about it & my two lots
beyond muddy river ten acres more or less and the remainder of salt
marsh at Hog Island --further my will is that my son Jacob have my land
at home and barn during my wifes naturall life--further I give him my
pasture on the south side of the river
by Simon Thompsons and the pasture by Caleb Kimball. Also I give him a
teather bed, only my will is that he pay what I have given my wife, and
helpe in repaires for her yearly, what I have allowed her in my will.

I give and bequeathe to my daughter Sarah, William Story's wife the sum
of ten pounds in a payre of sheets & a paire of pillow biers & what they
amount notto of the sum the rest in the hands of my son Renold which I
have willed him to pay as appears above.

I give and bequeath unto my daughter Mary the wife of ffrancis Peabody
the sum of ten pounds, part of it to be payd in a payre of sheets and a
paire of pilllo beers and a feather bed after my wives decease.

It. I give my grandchild Hannah Story the sum of six pounds, viz. a bed
bolster, pillow and pair of sheets & blankets, which are of my now wives
making, the rest to be payd by my executors if she carry it well to my
wife while she lives with her as she hath done hitherto.

It. My will is that my son Jacob have the Iplements of Industry.

It. My will is which I desire and appoynt my two sons Abraham ffoster
and Jacob ffoster to be my executors of this my last will & testament,
and request and desire my beloved friends Simon Stace
and Nehemiah Jewett to be my overseers to this my last will, fullfil by
my executors, and if any difference arise amongst my wife and children,
or amongst them about any particulars in my will, my will is that my two
overseers shall end it, and they receive satisfaction as they two shall
agree--& if they two differ, then as a third man who they shall choose,
Joyning with either of them. Yn witness whereof I have sett to my hand
and seale Head.

Signed sealed and declared to be the last will and testament of me
Renold ffoster sen'r the day and year above written 1680 as witness my
hand and seale

Renold ffoster and a seal
John Stackweather
Nehemiah Jewett
Mem: the things given my wife for her
natural life be soe except she marry againe, and what debts she shall
have due for labor and(???)--shall be for her proper use and sole
benefit, and that the repairs of the house be out of her estate, and
during her abode in it. and that my wife shall have liberty to cutt and
procure what wood she needeth from of my land at muddy river, this
declared the fifth of march, 1680-81 to be his last will

Renold ffoster.
John Stackwcather
Nehemiah Jewett.

Pedigree of Jesse W Foster
The 9th June 1681 will proved.
In. rendered by John Whipple & Simon Stace.

Amt œ744, 16, 00.

"A man who lacks interest in his grandfather may be a philosopher, but
he lacks humanity and cannot be considered as a sympathetic friend."

Foster, Reginald (I192)
103 Alberta Mildred Fraser passed away January 22, 2000 in the Palliser
Nursing Home in at the age of 96 years. Mildred was born in Tadmorton,
Ontario, Canada.
She is survived by her son Mel Kindree Hanna, sister Gertrude Smith of
Belleville, Ontario, Canada, step-sons Gordon (Bev) Fraser of Calgary,
Gary (Evelyn) Fraser of Olds and stepdaughter June (Jim) Reid of Red Deer,
as well as seven grandchildren, thirteen great grand-children and one
great great grand-son.
She was predeceased by her first husband Percy Kindree, in 1950, second
husband E. B. Fraser in May 1973, son R. Craig Kindree in April 1996, two
daughters-in-law Agnes Kindree in April 1987 and Marion L. Kindree in
August 1987, and granddaughter McLvina Richardson in February 1994.
Mildred will be greatly missed by all those who knew and loved her. If
friends so desire, donations may be made in Mildred's memory to a charity
of choice.
Funeral services will be held Wednesday January 26, 2000 at 1:00 P. M.
with Margaret Trapnell officiating at the United Church, Hanna, Alberta,
Canada. Interment will follow in the Youngstown Cemetery.
Courtney's Funeral Services were entrusted with arrangements (854-2009)
A strong willed woman, Mildred came west from, Ontario, Canada and for a
while moved about until she settled on a farm located just north of
Scotfield. Then, in the early 1950s she moved into Youngstown. A hard
worker all her life, Mildred's main focus was her family. They were the
ones shred for and cared about. The other important part of her life was
the Women's Institute, being awarded a life membership in 1984. Mildred
enjoyed visiting with her friends in town and in her younger days
participated in town dances and other local entertainments. Mildred was
her own person, a collector of clippings, someone for whom family was the
centre of her life and a woman used to hard work. She is remembered as
small but feisty. 
Burgess, Alberta Mildred (I8117)
104 James Burgess was a Carpenter. He helped build St. John's Norway Church at
Main and Kingston Road, in Toronto. He also helped build William Burgess
School in Toronto, which was named after his brother. He owned 8 houses
but during the depression he did not make his tenants pay rent so he lost
all 8 houses. James lived with his son Mel during his later years and then
with his daughter Mildred, in Alberta, Canada for the last 2 years of his
life. He was a hard working man with blue eyes. 
Burgess, James Johnathan (I8114)
105 James Melville went by the name of Mel as his father was James Jonathan
Burgess. He served in the Canadian Over-Seas Expositional Forces, Army in
WW1 at the age of 15.
Medals: British War Medal and Victory Medal (Inter-Allied War Medal) Betty
has his medals after getting them back from her daughter Patti that stole
Names: Burgess, Melville JAMES Regimental number: 513676 Reference: RG
150, Accession 1992-93/166, Box 1277 - 15
Letter from George V to those who were wounded, inscribed with the Royal
Coat of Arms, Buckingham Palace and dated 1918
The Queen and I wish God-speed, a safe return to the happiness and joy of
home life with an early restoration to health. A grateful Mother Country
thanks you for faithfully services.
(Signed George R V - the original letter would probably have been
handwritten by the King, however it would have then been printed so that
multiple copies were created. How these were distributed is not clear -
they were not sent to every soldier but were probably mailed). 
Burgess, Melville James (I8116)
106 A former Manistique resident, Mrs. Luther (Ada May) Siddall of Camden, Ark., died at 10:55 p.m. Wednesday in a nursing home in Camden. She was born in Michigan, August 26, 1880 and resided in Manistique until she moved to Arkansas 10 years ago.
She was the former Ada May Robinson and was married to Luther Siddall who preceded her in death in 1954. They were married May 8, 1901. She was a member of the Methodist Church in Manistique. Survivors include two sons, Alvin Siddall ,Cooks; and Marvin of Joliet, Ill; two daughters, Mrs. Bertha Rantala, Michigamme, and Myrle Anderson of Camden, Ark; nine grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. 
Robinson, Ada May (I5322)
107 Born in Canada, Mr. Bacon came to Michigan with his parents when a small boy, the family settling in the central part of the state. He lived in St. Louis for a time and was a resident of Blanchard just preceding his moving to Mt. Pleasant in 1920, where he made his home to the time of his death.
He is survived by a daughter Mrs. Walter Taylor, of near Weidman, and a son, DeWitt, and six grandchildren. Besides these he leaves a sister in Washington and three brothers, Henry and John of Matherton and Lauren of Saginaw.
Mrs. Bacon died two years ago.
Funeral services will take place Friday at the home with Rev. H. C. Curch, pastor of the Church of Christ, of which Mr. Bacon was a member, officiating. Burial will be in the cemetery at St. Louis, where Mrs. Bacon was buried

United States Census, 1870, (, Ingersoll, Midland, Michigan
United States Census, 1880, (, Seville Township, Gratiot, Michigan 
Bacon, James Cornwall (I3088)
108 Passed away Saturday, December 10, 1994, at Martin Luther Saginaw Home after a lengthy illness. Age 80 years, Anna W. Bacon was born May 16, 1914, in Mancelona, living most of her life in Saginaw. She married Ralph E. Wenzel on June 19, 1935. Mr. and Mrs Wenzel engaged in farming in James Township for many years. He predeceased her on July 15, 1989. She was a member of Christ Ev. Lutheran Church. Surviving are two sons, one daughter and their spouses. James and Susanne Wenzel, Terry and Mary Wenzel, Carol and Cary Jackson, all of Saginaw, eight grandchildren, Christy Boehler, Carrie Stedry, Terri Lynn Wizner, Beth Boehler, Thomas Wenzel, Shelly Lachman, Tammy Jackson and Melissa Jackson, five great-grandchildren. one sister, Sadie and her husband Hugh Becker, Saginaw; several nieces and nephews. She was predeceased by one brother William Bacon and by two sisters, Addie Hazzard and Lacey Morden. She also leaves a sister-in-law Marie Bacon. Bacon, Anna W. (I5188)
109 1861 Canadian census 
Gray, Hannah Margaret (I646)
110 1861 Canadian census 
Gray, Albert (I647)
111 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Richardson, Dr Haydn Lee (I18672)
112 "Canada Census, 1881," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 2 March 2021), Orlando Sherk in household of Uriah Sherk, Walsingham, Norfolk, Ontario, Canada; from "1881 Canadian Census." Database with images. Ancestry. ( : 2008); citing Uria Sherk, citing Library and Archives Canada, Ottawa, Ontario.
"United States Census, 1900", database with images, FamilySearch ( : 30 November 2021), Sadie Sherk in entry for George Collins, 1900.
"Texas Death Index, 1903-2000," database, FamilySearch ( : 24 May 2014), Lon Sherk, 08 Jul 1942; from "Texas, Death Index, 1903-2000," database, Ancestry ( : 2006); citing certificate number 33242, Tarrant, Texas, Texas Department of Health, State Vital Statistics Unit, Austin.
"Find A Grave Index," database, FamilySearch ( : 24 February 2022), Orlando Lon Sherk, ; Burial, Fort Worth, Tarrant, Texas, United States of America, Mount Olivet Cemetery 
Sherk, Alanzo (I4403)
113 "National Records of Scotland at", Old Parish Registers, Births and baptisms; Surname: THOMSONE; Forename: ARCHEBALD; Gender: M ; Parents/other: ARCHEBALD THOMSONE/ISSOBELL AYTOUN ; Date: 03/07/1621; Parish #: 685/1 Ref: 20 322; Parish: Edinburgh;

Archibald Thompson was not the son of Archebald Thompson and Isobel Aytoun. That Archebald Thomsone (1621-) was born in Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland in 1621 
Aitoun, Issobel (I20332)
114 "Recensement du Canada de 1911," database, FamilySearch (, Aviner Thomson in entry for James Thomson, 1911.
"Ontario Marriages, 1869-1927," FamilySearch (, George Aviner Thomson and Edythe Rostron Monet, 23 Jun 1926; citing registration , Toronto, York, Ontario, Canada. 
Thomson, George Aviner (I5927)
115 "Scotland Births and Baptisms, 1564-1950," database, FamilySearch (, Andrew Thomson, 23 Nov 1790; citing , reference 2:164FMQG; FHL microfilm 1,067,972.
↑ Marriage Bonds Upper and Lower Canada
"Find A Grave Index," database, FamilySearch (, Andrew D. Thomson, 1854; Burial, Scarborough, Toronto Municipality, Ontario, Canada, Saint Andrew's Presbyterian Church Cemetery

imm 1796
surrogate court entry 1854 York 
Thomson, Andrew D. (I5904)
116 "William Siprell, Senr. and the Family He Founded" by Harold Fritz Sipprell, 1969 Ross, William Hugh (I48)
117 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Parkin, Margaret Rose (I18380)
118 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Giannini, Marlena (I18353)
119 1871 with his parents in Reach twp-1881 with his parents in Whitchurch twp-
after grad Queen's U & McMaster U-taught Fort William Coll 13 yrs, then to
Toronto Dufferin St Sch 1 y & Harbord Coll. 2 yrs
- will dated Apr 24, 1913 -gross value $55,418.96
- Elizabeth a very short lady 4'7" tall - dec old age

Queen's Arts & Science 1895;OVS m11565;lived Hamilton;Ft.William 1901 
Pilkey, Peter Joseph (I10459)
120 1901 living with her parents at Fort William, Algoma-1918 living Pittsburg PA,
1927 Winnipeg MB, also AZ, 1931 Oakville & Burlington - Harry a scientist at
U of Pittsburg-dec flu epidemic & pneumonia - Len dec heart & kidney problems-
Marion a stroke 
Pilkey, Irene Marion Margaret (I11961)
121 1901 living with parents McGillvray twp Middlesex Co Niblock, Mabel (I11848)
122 1954 lived Franklin PA US Hillburg, Anita Mae (I17468)
123 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Howard, Ruby Irene (I18064)
124 1972 moved to Sarasota FL US - Marion dec Kuehner, Marion Jane (I17578)
125 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Dawson, Virginia Lynn (I17383)
126 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Pilkey, Janice Eileen (I11959)
127 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Crawford, Todd Howard (I17158)
128 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Ennis, Sheryl Elizabeth (I17162)
129 Barbara grad B Ed ND State U - Jim past owner & CEO of Dawson Hail Insurance-
was Air Force mechanic-grad Bus Admin ND State U, very active in Pres Ch,
Shriners, Elks, YMCA, ND State U, Chamber of Commerce, extensive gun
collection, on Brd of Directors International Hail Assoc with offices in
Zurich, Switzerland - Barbara dec Alzheimer's - Jim lives Fargo ND US 
Dawson, James Roen (I17364)
130 BIRT DATE JAN 8, 19? Peterson, Jane (I17341)
131 BIRT DATE JUNE 14, 19 Moyles, Gwendolyn (I18102)
132 BIRT DATE JUNE 3, 19? Flower, Debra (I17190)
133 BIRT DATE NOV 15, 19? Elizabeth (I17544)
134 both bur Strathroy Cem Whiting, Ila Fern (I12011)
135 both dec stroke Mantle, Hazel Dell (I12003)
136 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Lack, Melody Ann (I18260)
137 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Loft, Laurie Ann (I17008)
138 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Jarvis, Carol Anne (I17978)
139 Carol dec heart - Michael lives Toronto Gillespie, Carol Ida (I18116)
140 celebrated 50th wedding ann. 1995-live Parkhill Niblock, Kathryn Edna Christine (I16986)
141 Charles dec Parkinsons & Alzheimers - Mary lives Richmond BC Pilkey, Mary McEwan (I12071)
142 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Martin, Christopher Alan (I17627)
143 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Renfrew, Clifford Dean (I17587)
144 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Pilkey, Diane Lynn (I18291)
145 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Duncan, John David (I17881)
146 DEAT DATE 19? Ward, James DeWitt (I17547)
147 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Dawson, Debra Ann (I17382)
148 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Lumley, Robert (I17028)
149 dec before dau 1 year old Pilkey, Jack (I17229)
150 dec boat accident Dawson, Charles Alvin (I17369)

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